Thursday, September 20, 2012

4 Things

The beginning of every school year gets me pumped to meet new people and, more importantly, see what fresh things God wants to do in a new season for our city and our church. Here's the top 4 things our leadership is absolutely stoked about in the coming year (in no particular order):

1. Worship

There is absolutely nothing like coming together as God's church and proclaiming His name. This is where inspiration, healing and life change happen because, as Psalm 22:3 states, "God resides in the praises of His people."

Where God is, crazy, incredible things happen, and we don't want to settle for anything less than His presence.

2. Including more young adults

Last year, the 120 was formed when the high school and young adult groups came together to form one ministry. This year, something similar is happening in that we are preparing to provide child care some time this fall so that more young families and single parents can come and worship. This will meet a great need in our church!

3. Obsession

We have never been believers in changing for the sake of change. We're not looking to provide an emotional and social experience that can't sustain us. Instead, at the 120 we are passionate about being a people that are obsessed with Jesus and His finished work. Emotions, great music and a fun atmosphere cannot move people — only Jesus can do that, and hearts that are obsessed with Him will see a culture be saved.

4. Salvation

Since the 120 was formed we have become a ministry that wants to see young people come to know Jesus (what a thought!), and this year will be no different. We will not hold a single service without giving people the opportunity to come to know God personally, while experiencing "real" life for the first time.

This is our goal and our passion — to fall in love with Jesus and see other people do the same. Nothing else could fuel our fire more!

Thank you for being a part of the 120. Whether you're a part of the food team, leading worship, a part of a small group or just attending, you are a vital part of this ministry, and we couldn't be more excited to do ministry with you.

Ben and Chad

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

A New Beginning

It seems like this is the most difficult time for student ministries every year.

I've been leading the young adults (now high schoolers, as well) for over five years now, and every time August and early September roll around I find it harder to be motivated.

It's easy to blame the lack of zeal on the fact that the majority of the Oregon Tech students are out of town; any and all of the plans that are being made with regards to ministry are for "later" — after we kick off our fall schedule and things return to normalcy; and we run much smaller crowds in the summer.

I have come to realize that these special circumstances shouldn't have any authority over my passion for Jesus. Don't get me wrong, I would be lying if I said that I'm not excited to see the new school year starting, which includes new faces and more salvations.

But, Jesus said, "Lift up your eyes and look at the fields! For they are already ripe for harvest." - John 4:35. The fields are always there and always ripe (I pray that I always remember that). The key part of the verse spoken by Jesus is "LOOK". Pay attention, open your eyes, stop staring at your own feet and LOOK!

So, this last Thursday, I finally made the decision to actually look at the harvest and allow God to come through in worship. The result was a sweet, long-lasting taste of Jesus as we poured out our hearts and filled the room with praise. Suddenly, I wasn't performing my job or trying harder to "make" people worship. As we poured ourselves out, God returned the favor and drowned us in the ocean of his grace and love.

God was there. God was real.

Now, my vision is to worry less about having the correct "spiritual equipment" and think more about LOOKING, because there have been too many times that I have wanted to put my head down and push, instead of looking up to be engaged by the waiting mission field.